Monday, April 25, 2005

How we are linked

The lady who posted to my guestbook, Cindy, wrote me back. She found me by typing "ExWitch" into a search engine, and the second entry down is Andrew's blog with this entry. The part about me is at the end and reads thus:

"Victoria Shephard, a former wiccan whose conversion to Christianity is documented briefly in my book E-vangelism (and more thoroughly documented online, was working with exWitch Ministries at one time. But she's no longer listed on the staff."

I dropped him a quick note back explaining that, no, I'm not on staff anymore. I haven't talked to him in ages. I hope he writes me back.


Andrew said...

Hi Victoria! So great to hear from you. After getting your email I decided to check out your blog. Nicely done! I'll be back for more chatting later.

So good to hear from you and glad that you're doing well.


P.S. - Don't skip the gym too often, now. :)

Magnum Serpentine said...

I apologize for my wording it was not the best and I am very happy to link to you :)