Saturday, July 29, 2006

I'm so fat!

12 days cheat freeWeight: 148
Calories eaten yesterday: 1989
Calories burned: 2125
Carbs: 71g (yeah, I kind of went overboard on the carbs)
Fat: 73g (too low)
Calories burned in exercise: 269

Up again, and out of an acceptable weight range for my height and build. I'm hoping it's just the large amount of sodium I had yesterday. I'm cutting out the pork rinds for a while. They may be zero carbs, but are too high in salt and are making me retain water. Yesterday I ate a massive 11,000 mg of sodium (yes, you read that right - 11,000)! Still, it's majorly depressing to be above my goal by over 10 pounds! I came within a half pound, and them BOOM - 10 pounds above. My body truly hates me and doesn't want to lose weight. My size 10 shorts are tight on me! :( I'll just keep on with the program. There may be no weight loss, or even some gain, but I do feel best eating low-carb.

I semi-cheated today. I decided not to count. I'm tired of being home and bored and hungry, so I'm going to eat as much as I want today, but - of course - stick to low-carb foods. I totally pigged out on the peanuts at church. Why can't I get focused? I want to be slim again.

Walked over 10,000 steps yesterday. I went to the gym on a Friday - rare for me - but it seemed better than sitting at home bored and hungry.

Click to enlarge.

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