Thursday, December 28, 2006

Eggs - healthy or dangerous?

My sister is a die hard low fatter who uses only egg whites (usually in a carton). The yolks have fat and cholesterol and are therefore EVIIIIIIL. :-p But are egg whites a complete protein? Turns out they aren't. The yolk also contains protein and you need both for the egg to be a complete protein.

Eggs do not raise heart disease risk, as demonstrated by a study on eggs from Harvard University.

...the study of nearly 120,000 people found that those who consumed seven to 14 eggs a week had the same rate of cardiovascular disease as those whose consumption, on average, didn't include even one egg per week.

Although I disagree with their conclusion that saturated fat is the problem - I think carbohydrates are - this study demonstrates that cholesterol is not the problem. The more cholesterol you eat, the less your body will make, and the less you eat, the more your body will make.

I found the following on a bodybuilding forum.

TJ said:
Most of the amino acids are in the yolk, by eating just the whites your taking one of the most complete protein sources and making it a incomplete protein source. Egg whites alone are a terrible protein source, if you must separate them for cutting purposes you better combine them with another protein source to make it a complete source again.

Eating cholesterol does not raise your cholesterol this has been disproven years ago and done over and over again. If this were possible then all we would have to do is cut out bad cholesterol sources and start eating good cholesterol sources to improve out over all cholesterol right?

Egg whites in a carton should be viewed no different than white bread, processed, processed, processed!!! Read the side of that carton it does not say 100% egg whites they use all kinds of fillers and preservatives, mainly to give you less and charge you more.

From this post in this thread.

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Lira said...

Being the veggie critter I am, I would of course say that humans eating eggs is very dangerous to the chickens. :) But for the humans' sake, I also have to wonder about the impact of the animals' own diet on the production of all those eggs.

Egg whites in a carton are processed, processed, processed, but typical whole eggs in our country are "preprocessed" (via the hens that lay them) with everything from shoddy hen diet to nonfood additives like drugs or other chemicals. If we are going to be concerned with the overprocessing of stuff sold as "food," should we also be concerned about the contamination of foods that we expect to be unprocessed (or at least less processed)? I keep bapping up against the idea that nutritional analysis needs to take food production conditions into account too.

Unknown said...

I do try to buy eggs from free range chickens and such.

I totally agree with you about their feed. If I had the money to buy, for example, grass fed beef, I would. The problem is that I can barely buy food as it is, much less pay more. :-p