Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Mean sellers on eBay

EBay brings out the worst in some people. Sellers who can't be bothered to take one minute to answer an e-mail CAN take the time to give you a negative rating. What they are saying is, "Our customers are not important enough to communicate with, but we are happy to hurt them if we feel hurt." This is not befitting for a seller. Avoid "IlliniosDesertRat"! He lives up to his name. He refused to answer two inquires I sent about what he was selling. The first inquiry was sent while the auction was still open.

Because of his non-existent communication I gave him a "neutral" rating. He was outraged, accused me of not communication with him (?!?) and of being an "amateur" and gave me a negative rating. In other words, "I can't take time to answer your product inquiry, but I can take the time to give you a negative rating and write mean comments." What a way to do business! Avoid this guy! He is NOT a good person to buy from unless you are willing to say nothing but good things about him! And if you want more information on a product (because he can't be bothered to fully describe it in the listing) you will be met with silence. Bad seller!

This is the latest message I sent to him. For some odd reason, he magically found the time to answer this one, chastising me for not giving him a positive rating. Gee, I wonder why!


That was not cool! I gave you a neutral rating and you ding me negative?!? THAT is the true meaning of amateur and comes across as a temper tantrum. I tried to contact you TWICE regarding the item and never received a reply. I contacted you first through eBay and then regular e-mail and you couldn't be bothered to take one minute to answer my question. And you wonder why I gave a neutral rating?!?

Stay away from this seller on eBay and go with the ones who actually care about their customer base.

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