Thursday, December 27, 2007

Week 41, Day 5

Calories eaten yesterday: 906 (no, that's not a typo)
Fat: 24g (23%)
Carbs: 72g (31%)
Protein: 105g (45%)
Weight this morning: 139.2 (One week ago: 136)
Calories burned in exercise today: 102

Crap. I am so fat and having a low-cal day after a major cheat does no good. I want to tell myself it's just bloating, but I know better. I have gained several pounds.

Things are coming along on the computer front. My employer cut me a check today for 52 hours of vacation time (leaving me 40 hours so I can take one week for Conference), plus 24 hours (three days) of comp time - $910. You will also recall they have been taking $35 out of each paycheck and setting it aside for me. I asked to cash that in and got $420. That's $1330! I'm impressed how fast my employer got it to me when I made it clear that this was an immediate need. I'll deposit the money tomorrow and then order the computer. That will put me well under the $2000 threshold Bill Me Later told me about. I'll "charge" what I can to my debit Mastercard using the $1330, then ask them to put the rest on my Bill Me Later account.

I'm looking at about $2200 for the computer plus almost $200 in sales tax (YIKE!), so roughly $2400 total. But this is a Macintosh - a MacBook Pro (I'm getting the one on the far left with some extras added). It will do everything and is portable to boot! Hopefully I can get 9 good years out of this one. :)

Ran into San Francisco today, checked my mail, deposited the $37 my Mom sent me (Christmas money minus the $99 I owed her), and hit Old Navy to exchange the pajama pants my sis gave me for Christmas. She sent me large and they were way huge on me. I found a pair of mediums.

Tomorrow Brad and I are going walking. I'll take my camera but there will be no photos this Sunday. :( Saturday after church we are going to the viewing of Lisa's mother. I hate going to these things, but it's important to show her our support. Sunday is my last overtime shift - 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Monday is New Year's Eve and a planned cheat day. I may or my not make it to the gym. Back on plan 100% on New Year's Day, and hopefully I'll make it to the gym, too.

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