Wednesday, February 08, 2006

In study, low-fat diet not shown to have health benefits, take 2

Found this from Yahoo news this morning.

Study: Less Fat May Not Lower Cancer Risk

This sentence sums up the study best:
"The eight-year study showed no difference in the rate of breast cancer, colon cancer and heart disease among those who ate lower-fat diets and those who didn't."

Hmmm...maybe Dr. Atkins was onto something with a high-fat, low-carb diet.

My only comment is on the following statement:

"Eating less fat late in life failed to lower the risk of cancer and heart disease among older women, disappointing news for those who expected greater benefits from a healthy diet."

Perhaps we should redefine healthy? We base our diet on things our bodies don't need (carbohydrates) and for some reason this is defined as "healthy."

Here's yesterday's post about the study.

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