Monday, February 20, 2006

Still insane

After promising myself I'd have saner Saturdays, I find that I'm still eating sane only six days a week. It's just that my insane day has moved from Saturday to Friday. Why can I not get my head around journaling every single day? Why do I feel I "deserve" a day off?

I know I need to get the low-carb junk food out of the house. I did stock up on things that were being discontinued, and I can't regret that, but I am going to stop buying any more stuff. No more Atkins candy bars, no more Kahlua, no more bringing anything anti-weight loss into my house. I am banishing sugar alcohols when the current stuff is gone. The only exception is the sugar free Oreos which are the only thing too good to give up entirely (I love Oreos and these taste like the real thing!). Other than that, the only sugar free candy allowed in the house will be things without sugar alcohols, such as the Mini Carb bars.

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