Monday, February 20, 2006


I am sore today, as I thought I'd be. I almost feel like I've run the Bay To Breakers! Something tells me my workout tomorrow won't be full on. I just won't have it in me. Maybe I'll take it easy and work out harder the next day. Or at least focus more on upper body weight training tomorrow and if I do cardio maybe do the elliptical.

I managed to cut my toe while running yesterday. If the nail on this one particular toe gets too long it will cut into the one next to it when I run. Last night I cut the nail and this morning I put a band-air around the hurt one. I need to remember to do this before the race this year. I always get injured there no matter how hard I try.

Today's my 12 hour day this week and I'm tired and hungry. I'm always more hungry on days where I'm running on a lack of sleep and have to be awake for more hours than usual.

The Presidential Prayer Team virtual prayer rally is today. I did my "shift" last night when I got home from work and before bed. I always take a shift between midnight and 1 a.m. because that's the best time for me to pray. This virtual rally was because it's President's Day.

Anyway, that's the last 24 hours. I gave the cats wet food last night to celebrate two years of working out for me.

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