Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Week 107, Day 4

Calories eaten yesterday: 1047
Fat: 21g (19%)
Carbs: 66g (26%)
Protein: 142g (55%)
Weight this morning: 130.8
Calories burned in exercise today: 390

Went to the gym and did an hour of weight training and 40 minutes of cardio. I did 30 of those minutes on one of the new stair climbers (photo). That really gets my heart rate up! They used to have only one and have finally brought in several more.

Then I did 10 minutes on the treadmill, mostly just walking. After the gym I walked to work from the train station. I was SO gosh darn hungry so I stopped at Pac N Save and bought several salads (only one for today of course!).

Tomorrow I plan to do laundry and then I am working 12 hours from 3 pm until 3 am Friday morning. I plan to go home after that, take a shower, and sleep late. Friday afternoon I'll buy groceries.

I ordered some BCAA powder online yesterday. (BCAAs stand for "branched chain amino acids" - very good for building muscle. I add a heaping teaspoon to my protein shakes. Here's more info on BCAAs.) I feel they help augment my protein shakes to protect and build muscle. I think next time I'll pay a little extra and get the stuff I've bought before.

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