Sunday, November 01, 2009

No weigh-in due to Halloween

Calories burned in exercise today: 634

Friday I walked to my Safeway and bought a few things like celery, prepped that, then after Brad got off work, he and I hit his Safeway and Costco.

I fell off my diet in the early morning hours of Friday morning. I bought a dozen Halloween cupcakes at Safeway, intending to have a few and take the rest to church. I ended up eating nine of them on Friday and Brad had one. That left only two. I ate one Saturday morning and the other Saturday night so they never made it to church.

I also bough more Halloween candy at the same time. I pigged out on a bunch of that Friday and Saturday. We only got one group of trick-or-treaters so I pigged out on the rest Saturday night. Basically, it was a candy- and cupcake-fest for two days.

Saturday we celebrated Brad's birthday, which is actually today. I cooked him breakfast and did the dishes.

Saturday we left right after worship and before Sabbath School to see the new Michael Jackson movie, This Is It. With the Bay Bridge still closed we didn't know how bad traffic and movie lines would be. As it turned out it was clear sailing and very few people at the movie. We spent the time before the movie sipping Starbucks drinks and then Cabernet at a small restaurant in the complex. We toasted Michael Jackson. Brad was going to pay for my second glass but I insisted I pay for it because we were celebrating his birthday.

The movie was good, and if you like Michael Jackson's music you'll like this. It chronically the months of preparation for his "This Is It" tour. It will give you a better appreciation of how much work goes into something like this. Of course, it includes lots of songs. Anyway, if you are a Michael Jackson fan see this, and see it in the theater. It's worth the cost, even in this economy.

I bought the tickets online and then realized this could be my birthday gift to Brad so I told him not to pay me back.

After the movie Brad and I stopped at Boston Market for there $1 meal deal for this weekend only. I paid for our meal, not that $1 is a hardship, lol.

We also went to Starbucks (it's in the same shopping center) and I offered to pay for a drink for Brad. He got a tall breve latte, but the girl forgot to heat the milk so he got a cold latte instead. He decided not to drink it and had it this morning. I got a nonfat chocolate banana Vivanno. I love those.

We went back home to watch the Dr. G I thought I'd recorded, but it didn't record. We drank wine and watched a little TV and then I fired up iTunes for some dance music. A little later we reheated the Boston Market meals.

Brad was tired and sacked out. I stayed up later, played on the computer, and had a beer. I got a little hungry before bed so I ate some cottage cheese and heated some soup and then went to bed.

I got Brad up early this morning so we could do some hiking for work. We hiked in Redwood Park for about 2 1/2 hours. I gotta burn off those 11 cupcakes and all the Halloween candy, lol.

Brad dropped me at work and left for his weekly Bible study. I wanted Kombucha to help me detox so he says he'll go to the store for me after his Bible study. He loves Kombucha too (he introduced me tothis brand) so I know it's not a hardship and he'll buy one or two for himself.

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