Sunday, February 05, 2006

What makes a weight loss winner?

Here's another post from our wonderful Janis, this time stating how she managed to lose weight and keep it off.

Here's my list, which covers YEARS of failures before I was successful. I want to stay successful and hope to hear some different ideas from all of you.....

*I went into it this time knowing it was a permanent change and wouldn't end once I lost my weight.

*I found a plan where I didn't feel deprived or hungry even while losing. I knew I'd be happy with it for life.

*I made all kinds of plans for tough situations and still do, often taking certain foods along with me. In many cases it's more than I need but covers all possibilities.

*I regularly scour the stores and the internet for new and interesting products that are acceptable.

*I always carry something appropriate to eat "just in case."

*I try to prepare foods I truly enjoy and don't bother making something I have planned if I'm not looking forward to eating it. If I do make a dinner I don't really want I'm constantly looking for something else when the meal is over.

*When I'm in an "eating" mood I try to make something really special for dinner or even a very special snack instead of dinner. I'm trying to listen to myself.

*Skipping meals isn't good but is a means to an end. I know who I am and as much as I wish I was different... that's who I am! I've spent over two years trying to change and it hasn't happened.

*I don't kid myself into believing I'll never want "xxx" or "xxx" again so make darn sure I have good alternatives for them that keep me happy.

*I try to stay 2-3 lbs. below goal. I consider my goal weight to be my "alarm" weight. I worry that if I was ever up 5 lbs. I might be headed for trouble.

I haven't kept the weight off yet, but I did reach my goal and tomorrow will be my one month anniversary (and official start on Phase 4 of Atkins!). Getting it off is just who I am - if I set a goal I am darn well going to acheive it and everybody who tries to hold me back is only going to strengthen my resolve. I also enjoy reading and have done A LOT of reading on nutrition and the insulin connection to weight gain. I do think I know more than the average person, though there is still a lot awaiting me out there. :)

What helps you to lose weight and keep it off? If you have tips, post a comment!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were a winner before the weight loss.
Which, is why you're a winner now.
It isn't the winning that's greatest. it is the path to the win and those that walk with you on it. =-)