Saturday, August 25, 2007

8 Interesting Things About Myself

I was blog tagged by Breadless Ms. B to blog about 8 interesting things about me. (She was tagged by Jimmy, who by the way, has a great blog about low-carbing the healthy way!)

This meme seems similar to the 5 Little Known Facts About Me I did last year, but I guess this one should be more focused on recent events, rather than little known facts from the ancient past.

1) Ever since Conference earlier this month, God has been taking more of a role in my life. You will recall I came home from Conference to find both my computer and satellite receiver broken. With no way to kill time at home, I sensed God was asking me to spend more time with Him. While I have not been perfect in talking to Him as much as I should, things have improved. It was a huge wake up call for me. (post 1 / post 2)

2) My weight loss is totally stalled ever since vacation. I came back from vacation and my tummy pooched out, the weight had piled on, and no matter what I do it will not come off.

3) I have been at the same job for several years (check the date of the check in kitchen). I never thought I'd be able to find something that I could do for so long, especially without hating it. I won't say I love my job, but at least I don't dread getting up and going to work each day. At least I have a fast computer there!

4) I have ow insuin levels, but normal blood sugar. This means that my cells are very sensitive to the effects of insulin so it takes less to keep my blood sugar in line. This is actually a good thing. In this high-carb world where most people have high insulin levels trying to keep their blood sugar in line, the low-carb diet has shown its healthful power again.

5) I take a medication that makes me hungry all the time. If I simply eat to satiety I actually gain weight because it takes a HUGE amount of food to make me feel full. Most people report that after being on a low-calorie diet for a while they can no longer eat as much as they used to. But the med I take messes with the hunger center in my brain. I am doomed to either feeling hungry 24/7 or being fat. Some choice.

6) I am a carbohydrate addict, an addiction that will never be cured. Like alcoholism, it can only be managed. But the addiction is always there, looming. I believe most people in the US are carb addicts and don't even know that it is a real addiction. I need to start a CAA group - Carbohydrate Addicts Annonymous.

7) I love animals and had dogs as pets growing up. I have also had pet rats and currently have two tabby cats.

8) I am a Christian Sabbath-keeper, believing in the so-called "Jewish" Sabbath on Saturday and holding it as sacred time. Instead of giving us a sacred place we have to travel to, God gave us sacred time that happens every week and cannot be stopped or destoyed by man as sacred places can be.

Technorati tagged: , , ,


Kelly said...

hi there
I came upon this blog while blog surfing today. You caught my eye on the headcovering issue. I thought I was the only non-mennonite on the planet that still did that. I am encouraged!

Breadless MrsB said...

Mission accomplished - great job on the blog tag :) I swear, it's like an online chain letter, without the expensive stamps. And no recipe cards to fill out ;)

I couldn't agree more on the topic of being a carb addict. The first time I went on Atkins years ago, I literally had the WORST withdrawal symptoms. I had migraine-type headaches for days and even blacked out a few times, once in the shower. Scary stuff!! But proof that I was a serious addict.