Monday, August 20, 2007

Week 24, Day 2

Calories eaten yesterday: 1240
Fat: 24g (19%)
Carbs: 94g (33%)
Protein: 132g (46%)
Weight this morning: 142 (One week ago: 139.8)
Calories burned in exercise today: 94

Why does my body want to be fat? Diets work for a while and then my body just slows down my metabolism until everything I eat gets stored as fat. My body truly hates me and wants to be fat and ugly. :-p I'm wearing my "fat" jeans again - size 8 WalMart which is like a size 10 anywhere else.

I'm working 12 hours today, 11 am to 11 pm. I need the money and was planning on "just" sleeping in. I say "just" because I really looked forward to it - but the money comes first. I still owe $425 on NutriSystem food and need all the money I can get. At least I didn't have to sacrifice a gym session for it this time.

To address the comment two posts back, the reason I pray for weight loss is an attempt to bring God into all aspects of my life. If He cares about the things that are important to us (as I believe He does), then He cares about my weight loss and fitness goals and I want to bring Him into that. I know He's not going to instantly make me slim and I'm not asking for that. I'm basically asking that my efforts at diet and fitness be fruitful.

Not much else going on. No exercise today except the walk from the BART station. Calorie-wise I may be over my 1300 goal tomorrow and will be over on Wednesday barring a miracle.

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