Thursday, November 15, 2007

Seattle, Day 2

I feel like there are two children in the house - Marina and Dad. Dad uses his disability (he's been in a wheelchair since before I was born) as his reason for not doing anything. April and I are constantly caring for one or the other.

Today we went to REI, then the pet store. Then April, Dad, and Marina went to Costco. She said I wasn't needed so I stayed home and eventually took a walk down to Safeway, where I bought some wine and sugar free candy to help me survive my stay here. Millie felt sick and slept most of the afternoon. I timed my walk to Safeway and found it's 17-18 minutes each way - my only exercise today.

Dinner is very late here and afterwards I shaved my legs, washed my hair, and tried to get ready for bed. But April wanted me to help with the baby while she did dishes. At one point I was holding the baby and scratching Dad's back at the same time - taking care of two children. Add to this that April told me she thinks of ME as another child simply because I can't drive myself anywhere! Is it any wonder I don't want to come visit here? Why would I want to see someone who looks down on me? 1 1/2 days down, 2 1/2 to go.

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