Sunday, November 18, 2007

Seattle, Day 5

I was up at 5 a.m. We didn't have to leave until 6:30, but Renato and I were out the door before 6. We got to the airport and I got through security with no problems. I had two hours to kill before my flight. I drank a Starbucks latte, ate an ooey gooey warm cinnamon roll, and read my book.

Brad picked me up and we did some basic shopping so I will have salad to eat this week. I don't have the money, but I do need to eat. Then we came back to my apartment and I unpacked and did the laundry. Then back to Safeway for a few things we had forgotten earlier.

I had asked Brad if he would take me out to dinner at Applebees. I needed a god binge in order to get back on my diet. Thankfully he did. I paid for my own Mudslide, and he bought me a Mochatini, a Caramel Appletini, and dinner (I got the Quesadilla Burger and fries). The Mochatini was great, and this was my first time having the Caramel Appletini. It was also very yummy! He bough cheese sticks for appetizers which made me unable to finish my dinner. I should have gotten the leftovers to go, but oh well.

Back at home he gave me a backrub and then we called it a night since he had to be at work Monday.

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