Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Anniversary of 1989 earthquake

Calories eaten yesterday: 1435
Fat: 39g (25%)
Carbs: 115g (33%)
Protein: 143g (41%)

Weight this morning: 133 (One week ago: 132)
Calories burned in exercise today: 100

Nimitz FreewayToday is the 18th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989. I was in the Bay Area (living in San Mateo at the time) so I remember it well. The photo to the left is the Nimitz Freeway, which collapsed on itself. 42 people died in the free way collapse and total deaths were 62 or 63 depending on the Web site you are looking at. The photo to the left is the Cypress Freeway from the USGS site linked above. You can click the photo for the full size. The magnitude was 6.9 to 7.1 depending on which source you believe.

No gym for me today. It was grocery day. I'm pretty well broke now and still have to afford groceries next week! At least I'm stocked up on paper towels, yogurt, and wine. But I will need to buy salad, veggies, fruit, and cottage cheese next week. And I still need energy drinks and diet soda this week.

My weight is coming down again, but I am hanging out about a pound over where I should be at this time of the week so I guess I gained a pound from my binge.

It's going to continue being cold and rainy until the end of the week, so Brad and I are hoping to walk around the Lafayette Reservoir since it is paved. We can't hike on dirt trails as long as it keeps raining. The forecast is a 50% change of rain on Friday which usually means that it will rain 50% of the day. :-p

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