Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Day 29

29 days cheat freeWeight: 144.4
Calories eaten yesterday: 1482
Calories burned: 2152
Calorie deficit/overage: -670
Carbs: 41g
Fat: 72g
Calories burned in exercise: 315

Didn't get my walk from the BART station to work done today. My grocery tote finally stuck what was left of its wheels up in the air and died today. So after getting the groceries I ran around Alameda looking for a new one. I finally found a large duffel bag with wheels that will suffice. Not perfect, but better than what I have now, which is fit only for the trash. So I ended up coming into work from the opposite direction and couldn't do any walking. I did about 20 minutes of "laps" around the hallway here at work, though, so I could rack up some steps and burn a few calories at least.

Today is day 4 of low-carb/low-calorie. Even though I had both salty lunch meat and pork rinds yesterday my weight was down again this morning - 144.4. That's a common weight for me to hit as I go up and down so we'll see if I can break it.

Yesterday's menu:
8 oz. black coffee
1 cup Crystal Light
1.5 oz. (powdered) Keto high-protein pudding mix

Post workout:
Atkins chocolate royale shake

SlimFast low-carb chocolate shake
1 oz. pork rinds

3 slices turkey lunchmeat
1 hard boiled egg
3 stalks of celery with
2 tablespoons sugar-free peanut butter

12 oz. Green and Crisp salad with
1/2 a tomato and
1/2 a cucumber and
1/3 cup low-carb, low-calorie dressing

Total calories: 1482
Net carbs: 41g (12%)
Fat: 72g (46%)
Protein: 113g (32%)

Walked over 13,000 steps yesterday. Yahoo! 6.05 miles.

Click to enlarge.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mahvalous mahhhvalous. You are doing sooo mahvalously Dahling.

Losing yourself was the thing to do. Seems most of America found themselves. Now, they need Atkins to lose the obese Doppleganger they've found..Bwwaaahhahahahaa

It says:
I want pastries, sugaaaaar, Starbucks , frappaccinos with extra syrup.. MAcccccccDonalds MCCCC Griddlessssssss ahhhahahahhahahaha

Carmel Mocha with double whipped cream and caaafffeeinneeeeeeee..more more more carbss baabbbyyyyyyyy more more ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

Dr. Pepper and a box of MOOOOOOON pies wheeee doggie...emmm Ummm good.

Ahemmmm.... =-|

Atkins does not, neither the owner of this blog or the doppleganger of BradW makes no claim to the above info being healthy or atkins friendly.
However, he will admit it is delicious and fun and will make you bouncy with energy and slightly silly....=-P

Not recommended for children...