Saturday, September 02, 2006


I came across an awesome thread of low-carb testimonies, and had to share some here. This way of eating (with the unfortunate acronym WOE) really works! Another common acronym is "WOL," which means "way of life." This distinguishes it from a simple "diet" that one goes on to and then off of when the weight in lost.

First, from Linda, who's on Atkins.

Ok, I just had to rant, but in a good way!

I love Atkins and cannot thank Dr. Atkins (may God rest his soul) enough for all of the good he has done for me.

I have tried EVERY diet around. Weight Watchers (gained 4 lbs. my first week), Jenny Craig (food was good, but expensive and I lost 12 lbs. in 6 months), etc. I have dieted for years, I am 46. But, I gave up dieting and changed my WOE. I started last November and have lost almost 100 lbs. so far. I have my blood work done every 3 months and every time there is an improvement. My doctor is really impressed with what I am doing and cheering me on. He said I have almost inspired him to lose weight!!! Oh, btw, I am diabetic and have high blood pressure too. Guess what? I am medicine free as of June!

So if someone says LC WOL doesn't work, I say rubbish. It's the only WOL for me and I will shout it from the roof tops.


Way to go, Linda!

And from MiniMe, also on Atkins:

I agree. It's the only woe...that keeps me from being hungry!

From Lessara on Atkins:

I love my low carbing WOL too for because of it I'm finally losing weight again and my blood sugar (for 8/29/06) monthly average went from 160 to 93!!! I'm a type 2 diabetic on no meds!!!

Of course, I had to chime in:

I love low-carb because I feel great, need less sleep, don't get the mid-afternoon blahs, my eczema and acne went away, and I don't get cold sores anymore!

And then Mermaiden (also on Atkins) said

I love it too. The weight loss, feeling satisfied, no crazy depressive mood swings, strong nails and hair, no random chest pains, and no acne for me as well! It would be worth it for that alone. Also, knowing that I'm preventing against a lot of serious diseases is great as well.

Keep up the good work, guys! Maybe someday the rest of the country will wake up and see (as we have) that Dr. Atkins - and Eades and Agatston and other - were right after all!

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