Monday, September 18, 2006

Day 34

34 days cheat freeCalories eaten yesterday: 1332
Calories burned: 2085
Calorie deficit/overage: -753
Carbs: 44g
Fat: 64g
Calories burned in exercise: 278

Looks like over the weekend I gained back all the weight I lost last week. Stupid water weight losses. :-p I'm back to low-calorie again. I can't keep this up. It's hard to go hungry. Official weigh-in is tomorrow. I better be below last week's weight of 146 or I'll be crushed. I'm also trying a bit of simple calorie cycling to keep my body guessing.

Spent all my gym time today doing cardio. FitDay says 289 calories. I had over 10,000 steps by the time I left the gym, and over 12,000 by the time I got to work. :)

I bought a couple packs of low-carb SlimFast shakes at the drugstore today. $6 for a 4-pack is pretty cheap, and God knows I've been going through shakes like crazy lately, often having two per day.

My new headphones for my iPod came today from E-bay, as well as my $150 Netrition order. Brad said he will drop the Netrition boxes by my house on Friday evening. I just hope that with the hot weather recently that the sugar-free chocolate chips aren't melted too badly... :-p

Yesterday's menu:
8 oz. black coffee
1 cup Crystal Light
1.5 oz. (powdered) Keto high-protein pudding mix

Atkins strawberry shake

Atkins chocolate royale shake

6 thin slices turkey lunchmeat
1 hard boiled egg
3 stalks of celery with
2 tablespoons sugar-free peanut butter

12 oz. Green & Crisp salad with
1/2 a tomato and
1/2 a large cucumber and
1/3 cup low-carb, low-calorie dressing

Before bed:
1 glass of wine
1 cup sugar free Jello

Total calories: 1332
Net carbs: 44g (14%)
Fat: 64g (45%)
Protein: 96g (30%)

Walked over 14,000 steps yesterday. 6.48 miles.

Click to enlarge.

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