Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sunday, Day 26

26 days cheat freeCalories eaten Friday: 1980
Calories burned: 2135
Calorie deficit/overage: -155
Carbs: 45g
Fat: 94g
Calories burned in exercise: 274

You know, life sucks. I sit here thinking that I've been gaining weight steadily since my February body fat test. I've gained muscle, yes, but also fat, and my clothes are getting tighter. I must do something. My body is trying very hard to gain weight and seems to store everything I eat as fat. No amount of exercise burns anything. My body is an enemy instead of an associate to work with. It hates me. It desires to be fat; it is desperate to be fat.

Today I'll have my high-protein normal breakfast and my protein shake after my workout (I need these to keep my muscle mass). I'm substituting a low-carb SlimFast shake for lunch and leaving my regular lunch at home. I must lose weight and 1900 calories a day with exercise is not cutting it. So, for one week (excluding Friday - I have a BBQ to go to) I'll eat low-calorie and see if that helps. I don't like going hungry, but I really don't think anything other than low-carb, low-calorie can help. So, here goes nothing!

SlimFast is really pushing its Optima diet right now, but those shakes have 18g of sugar! Eek! Who would put that into their bodies? Speaking of sugar, the low-carb bars they sell have tons of sugar alcohols! Way to stall weight loss there! Yike.

Friday is the BBQ with Brad, Lisa, and Davina so no way to count calories that day. I will stick with low-carb foods, however. I told Brad I'll make brownies. I have several packages of Atkins brownie mix, and I'll use coconut oil instead of butter. I bought $150 worth of low-carb food from on Saturday, including some Eat Well, Be Well chocolate chips. I doubt they will be here in time, but if they are I will throw some of those in as well.

I also bought a bunch more of Baja Bob's pina colada mix, some more donut mix (they are a nice treat from time to time), and a bunch of Atkins shakes - they have good prices on them! Oh...and more coconut oil. I didn't buy any chocolate bars since I still have tons left from my last order. I just haven't had the need for them.

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