Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Conference Journal, Day 2

Mealtime Mayhem
Day 2
Monday, July 30

The first full day of Conference. I woke up just before my alarm by the college's church bells chiming 7 a.m. I got up and dressed and went to breakfast. After breakfast I found the computer lab and dropped a blog post.

Then I went to morning worship with the youth singing on stage and us singing along. Then there was morning Bible study. Pastor Steve was today's speaker and he spoke on "God's word is truth."

Then there was some boring business that I skipped, and then lunchtime. Then more boring business which I ditched to go to the fitness center. I managed to get into the weight/cardio room and did some weights and just 10 minutes of walking on the treadmill before it was time for committee meetings. I chose "Reference and Counsel." This lasted until 3:30, so I had some free time before dinner.

After dinner was evening worship, then a fellowship time before bed.

Update on the bathroom situation: The third floor bathroom in the men's wing has been designated for women so now I just have to go up one flight of stairs. I don't think anyone is staying on the third floor, at least on the men's side, so the bathroom is only used by the women on the second floor men's side. We pretty much have it to ourselves.

The meals here are so-so. While there are a lot of sugar-free dessert choices and three different diet sodas (including one caffeine-free), the main courses aren't very good. All meat is slathered in sugary sauces and there isn't even lunch meat available at lunch, just peanut butter with added sugar and sugary jelly. I am eating a LOT of salads and topping it with tons of tuna fish for protein. I know that much tuna isn't healthy due to the high mercury content, but one week won't kill me. The salad bar also has cottage cheese. These two foods are my main sources of protein in this high-carb college cafeteria. I guess I'll be eating my sugar-free peanut butter on low-carb bread more often than I planned.

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