Monday, July 09, 2007

Week 19, Day 2

Calories eaten yesterday: 1234
Fat: 37g (28%)
Carbs: 78g (26%)
Protein: 131g (45%)

Weight this morning: 137 (One week ago: 137.4)
Calories burned in exercise today: 99

Barely eeked in at 137 even today. The scale kept jumping around, but settling at 137.0 twice, so that's the weight I'm going with. That means if I'm really good this week I might see six days at or below goal, and the last step before seven days at goal is six! :)

Ran into the City today. Got the property check, deposited it, and bought BCAA powder at GNC. I also got some Carb Intercept pills because a lady on the NS forums said she would give me a bunch of food that's about to expire (just pay shipping), and some of it is really carby. hey, it's free food! Who am I to turn that down? The pills can't hurt and might help.

I walked to work from BART, stopped at WalMart, and bought more EAS Carb Control shakes, and yes, I caved and bought some diet pills. I need a little extra oomph since I am not losing. This time I decided to try NanoSlim. I'll let you know if I think it did any good.

My NS eggs came today. They changed the formula and I'm not really happy. The old eggs (plain) had 80 calories. The new plain eggs have 120 calories. For 120 I could have gotten the ones with cheese or veggie crumbles! :-p

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