Monday, January 16, 2006

Is low carb unhealthy?

Many people are still under the misconception that low carb means eating nothing but greasy meat and cheese and eggs and other stuff generally thought of as "bad." But have any of these people studied how many vegetables we eat? Well, one person did, and found that vegetable consumption tends to double on a low carb diet. Hmmm...doesn't sound very unhealthy to me.

When I started Atkins my vegetable consumption more than doubled. I went from hardly eating any to making them part of nearly every meal. On a typical day I will have 8-10 oz. of some kind of veggie with lunch, then a 5-8 oz. salad with dinner. Sometimes I'll chomp on some raw veggies if I'm still hungry. My diet is based on meat, veggies, and some dairy. I'm not sure what's unhealthy about that. And as previously mentioned, my cholesterol improved so my heart health is better than before Atkins.

So before you criticize Atkins, how many vegetables do you eat per day?

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