Thursday, August 10, 2006

Conference Journal, Day 5

Once I Was Blind
Day 5

Last night as soon as I had posted my entry here, I went upstairs in the student center to see what was for snack. All they had were cookies! I inquired about it, asking what people with blood sugar issues were supposed to eat. Couldn't there be a veggie platter or something? The guy said that was yesterday. He finally offered to get me a small plate of vegetables and came back with some celery and carrot sticks. (The carrots tasted nasty and weren't sweet, by the way.)

Woke up at 7 and had breakfast like most other days this week. The morning Bible study was on fasting. The kinds of things that happen in the beginning stages of fasting have many similarities to low-carb dieting - headaches (especially when cutting out caffeine), lightheadedness, and bad breath (ketone breath). After 7-10 days the person's energy will return and they will feel better than ever. I personally believe this is because the person has detoxed from the addictive nature of grains. These things naturally occur anytime carbohydrates are cut or severely restricted and the body uses up stored glycogen and switches to burning body fat. In fasting, some muscle would also be lost as the body uses protein to make the glucose it needs. With a low-carb diet there is sufficient dietary protein to prevent this.

After that was the SCSC (Summer Christian Service Corps) presentation, more business (including a partial report from the Reference and Counsel committee that I'm a part of, and finally more committee works since we hadn't finished.

We did finish just before lunch. (Yay!) After lunch was the young adult program. I missed it to start this post. Then some boring business followed, and then the Thursday seminar. I had it narrowed down to two, but one was cancelled ("Lone Sabbathkeeping"), so I went to the one on tithing.

Then dinner and evening worship. The sermon tonight was on "Sight to the Blind." Jesus didn't just come to physically heal people of blindness and other ailments, although He certainly did that. He came to heal people spiritually - people like you and me. I was once blind, but now I see. Everyone unsaved is still blind. I need to be more faithful in prayer for them - people like my Dad, Mom, Mom's husband Bill, my sister April and brother Rob, and my sister's husband Renato, and people I meet online such as Ambrosia and Wolf. They are all blind and need Jesus to see, just as I once did. I was blind, but now I see. Lord, help them to see, too, and remove their blindness.

And that's it for today. Crazy, crazy day and I am bushed and ready for bed. I'll just run upstairs to see what they have to eat for snack and then hit the sack. I think I had too much ice cream after dinner and it was more sugar than I'm used to. I need to remember from now on that a small scoop and toppings is all my body can handle.

Nighty night all!

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